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Ayah 1 Play Ayah
بِسۡمِ bis'miIn (the) nameٱللَّهِ al-lahi(of) Allahٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ al-rahmanithe Most Graciousٱلرَّحِيمِ al-rahimithe Most Merciful
bis'mi al-lahi al-rahmani al-rahimi
English - Sahih International
In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.
Ayah 2 Play Ayah
ٱلۡحَمۡدُ al-hamduAll praises and thanksلِلَّهِ lillahi(be) to Allahرَبِّ rabbi(the) Lordٱلۡعَٰلَمِينَ al-'alamina(of all) the worlds
al-hamdu lillahi rabbi al-'alamina
English - Sahih International
[All] praise is [due] to Allah, Lord of the worlds -
Ayah 3 Play Ayah
ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ al-rahmaniThe Most Graciousٱلرَّحِيمِ al-rahimithe Most Merciful
al-rahmani al-rahimi
English - Sahih International
The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful,
Ayah 4 Play Ayah
مَٰلِكِ malikiMasterيَوۡمِ yawmi(of the) Dayٱلدِّينِ al-dini(of) [the] Judgment
maliki yawmi al-dini
English - Sahih International
Sovereign of the Day of Recompense.
Ayah 5 Play Ayah
إِيَّاكَ iyyakaYou Aloneنَعۡبُدُ na'buduwe worshipوَإِيَّاكَ wa-iyyakaand You Aloneنَسۡتَعِينُ nasta'inuwe ask for help
iyyaka na'budu wa-iyyaka nasta'inu
English - Sahih International
It is You we worship and You we ask for help.
Ayah 6 Play Ayah
ٱهۡدِنَا ih'dinaGuide usٱلصِّرَٰطَ al-sirata(to) the pathٱلۡمُسۡتَقِيمَ al-mus'taqimathe straight
ih'dina al-sirata al-mus'taqima
English - Sahih International
Guide us to the straight path -
Ayah 7 Play Ayah
صِرَٰطَ sirata(The) pathٱلَّذِينَ alladhina(of) thoseأَنۡعَمۡتَ an'amtaYou have bestowed (Your) Favorsعَلَيۡهِمۡ alayhimon themغَيۡرِ ghayrinot (of)ٱلۡمَغۡضُوبِ al-maghdubithose who earned (Your) wrathعَلَيۡهِمۡ alayhimon themselvesوَلَا walaand notٱلضَّآلِّينَ al-dalina(of) those who go astray
sirata alladhina an'amta alayhim ghayri al-maghdubi alayhim wala al-dalina
English - Sahih International
The path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked [Your] anger or of those who are astray.
Al Faatiha / الفاتحة / The Opening