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Ayah 1 Play Ayah
وَٱلسَّمَآءِ wal-samaiBy the skyذَاتِ dhaticontainingٱلۡبُرُوجِ al-burujithe constellations
wal-samai dhati al-buruji
English - Sahih International
By the sky containing great stars
Ayah 2 Play Ayah
وَٱلۡيَوۡمِ wal-yawmiAnd the Dayٱلۡمَوۡعُودِ al-maw'udiPromised
wal-yawmi al-maw'udi
English - Sahih International
And [by] the promised Day
Ayah 3 Play Ayah
وَشَاهِدٖ washahidinAnd (the) witnessوَمَشۡهُودٖ wamashhudinand what is witnessed
washahidin wamashhudin
English - Sahih International
And [by] the witness and what is witnessed,
Ayah 4 Play Ayah
قُتِلَ qutilaDestroyed wereأَصۡحَٰبُ ashabu(the) companionsٱلۡأُخۡدُودِ al-ukh'dudi(of) the pit
qutila ashabu al-ukh'dudi
English - Sahih International
Cursed were the companions of the trench
Ayah 5 Play Ayah
ٱلنَّارِ al-nari(Of) the fireذَاتِ dhatifullٱلۡوَقُودِ al-waqudi(of) the fuel
al-nari dhati al-waqudi
English - Sahih International
[Containing] the fire full of fuel,
Ayah 6 Play Ayah
إِذۡ idhWhenهُمۡ humtheyعَلَيۡهَا alayhaby itقُعُودٞ qu'udun(were) sitting
idh hum alayha qu'udun
English - Sahih International
When they were sitting near it
Ayah 7 Play Ayah
وَهُمۡ wahumAnd theyعَلَىٰ alaoverمَا mawhatيَفۡعَلُونَ yaf 'alunathey were doingبِٱلۡمُؤۡمِنِينَ bil-mu'mininato the believersشُهُودٞ shuhudunwitnesses
wahum ala ma yaf 'aluna bil-mu'minina shuhudun
English - Sahih International
And they, to what they were doing against the believers, were witnesses.
Ayah 8 Play Ayah
وَمَا wamaAnd notنَقَمُواْ naqamuthey resentedمِنۡهُمۡ min'hum[of] themإِلَّآ illaexceptأَن anthatيُؤۡمِنُواْ yu'minuthey believedبِٱللَّهِ bil-lahiin Allahٱلۡعَزِيزِ al-'azizithe All-Mightyٱلۡحَمِيدِ al-hamidithe Praiseworthy
wama naqamu min'hum illa an yu'minu bil-lahi al-'azizi al-hamidi
English - Sahih International
And they resented them not except because they believed in Allah, the Exalted in Might, the Praiseworthy,
Ayah 9 Play Ayah
ٱلَّذِي alladhiThe One Whoلَهُۥ lahufor Himمُلۡكُ mul'ku(is) the dominionٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ al-samawati(of) the heavensوَٱلۡأَرۡضِۚ wal-ardiand the earth;وَٱللَّهُ wal-lahuand Allahعَلَىٰ alaonكُلِّ kullieveryشَيۡءٖ shayinthingشَهِيدٌ shahidun(is) a Witness
alladhi lahu mul'ku al-samawati wal-ardi wal-lahu ala kulli shayin shahidun
English - Sahih International
To whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. And Allah, over all things, is Witness.
Ayah 10 Play Ayah
إِنَّ innaIndeedٱلَّذِينَ alladhinathose whoفَتَنُواْ fatanupersecutedٱلۡمُؤۡمِنِينَ al-mu'mininathe believing menوَٱلۡمُؤۡمِنَٰتِ wal-mu'minatiand the believing womenثُمَّ thummathenلَمۡ lamnotيَتُوبُواْ yatubuthey repentedفَلَهُمۡ falahumthen for themعَذَابُ adhabu(is) the punishmentجَهَنَّمَ jahannama(of) Hellوَلَهُمۡ walahumand for themعَذَابُ adhabu(is the) punishmentٱلۡحَرِيقِ al-hariqi(of) the Burning Fire
inna alladhina fatanu al-mu'minina wal-mu'minati thumma lam yatubu falahum adhabu jahannama walahum adhabu al-hariqi
English - Sahih International
Indeed, those who have tortured the believing men and believing women and then have not repented will have the punishment of Hell, and they will have the punishment of the Burning Fire.
Al Burooj / البروج / The Constellations